Psychological risk assessment – GDA meets change communication

Among others, for authorities, clothing companies, auditing firms, museums, and others.

With partner: Schrattenecker GmbH.

“I can also give the child a different name” – Psychological risk assessment is important, but the title alone could deter many employees.


Since 2016, the specialist and process consultancy, in partnership with Schrattenecker GmbH, has been implementing psychological risk assessments in and for companies. This includes partial involvement in conception, moderation, and sometimes providing full-service packages. We bring experience from various corporate settings, such as clothing chains, ministries, museums, auditing firms, authorities, foundations, nursing homes, etc.

Situation & Need

How intensely a psychological risk assessment is conducted by a company is, of course, the decision of the company itself. If it is intended to be fulfilled as efficiently as possible as a mandatory element, we don’t see that as a reproach. The psychological risk assessment definitely provides the opportunity to initiate changes in work situations, but that can also be achieved through other means without it. Therefore, kudos to all companies that take the psychological risk assessment seriously. As always, the key to success or, better said, the benefit lies in clarifying the objectives beforehand.

Example question to the company: “Now that you are already implementing a psychological risk assessment, what do you ideally envision changing directly or indirectly through the process of the risk assessment?”


  • Process and Project Design 
  • Design and implementation of analyses (various tools)
  • Design and implementation of participations and communication programs
  • Ensuring documentation compliance with GDA guidelines 
  • Design and moderation of action workshops  

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