Conference on Diversity at Augsburg University

Good professional conferences need art.

Good professional conferences are well-staged.

Good professional conferences have countless to-dos.

Case has provided conception and/or implementation of professional conferences, such as:

  • Diversity Management for the Region – Augsburg University
  • In-house conferences and interactive workshops on Diversity Management
  • Diversity and Onboarding Networks for TK in Baden-Württemberg, Central Germany, Thuringia, and others.
  • Milestone conference for sports associations
  • Kickoff events for larger projects on Occupational Health Management (BGM), Diversity, or Leadership
  • Live talk on Diversity with academia and industry experts for TK-Ruhrgebiet

Situation & Need

The need to rally all stakeholders, to kickstart major Leadership or Diversity projects with heart-reaching kickoffs, or to form genuine new network partnerships, this need is almost always on the table. At the same time, there’s concern about the amount of work required to realize a successful conference and also the desire to make one’s own conference so different from what is known.


The specialist agency provides the service to implement all those small to-dos and, above all, to bring in creative proposals for innovative experiences:

  • Storytelling for the targeted professional conference
  • Incorporation of elements such as art & music
  • Conference dramaturgy and professional moderation in the areas of Occupational Health Management (BGM) & Diversity
  • Interaction with the target audience in advance, e.g., online surveys, pre-events
  • Media services such as film documentation, interviews, press releases
  • Research and organization of guest speakers

gailus.ORG Moderation

Diversity TK Rohr

Diversity Conference at Augsburg University

Music & Diversity presentation

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