Foundation, BEM Practice Club, Health Insurance

Peer Group Building, Multiplier Development, etc.

“How can one successfully bring together a new group of people to collaborate on a new idea?”


On behalf of clients, the specialist and process consultancy regularly establishes peer groups, multipliers, and specialized professional networks, always with the aim of creating something lasting.

Situation & Need


In Cologne, they say “every ‘jeck’ is different,” and we can’t guarantee sustainable living networks either. At the same time, we are happy to support in addressing as many factors as possible for creating lasting networks and groups.

Some key factors for new networks:

  • Unclear purposes, lack of identity 
  • Absence of hosts, moderation, sponsors 
  • Lack of admission criteria



We need to reverse the key factors, sure, here are some example factors for success:

  • Introduce positive irritations (diversity of perspectives) 
  • Assign genuine roles
  • Outline real visions
  • Create a highly tangible welcoming atmosphere


We are happy to support partially or with full-service in building networks and groups, internally or externally, in the areas of diversity and leadership.

Are you looking for a solution like this one?

Caring, Coaching, Initiative, Overcoming crises

Nursing facility in Bad Cannstatt, in Aichwald

Vorbereitung Personalbemessungsgesetz, nutzen der kommenden Veränderung, Neue Führung
PeBem Support, Coaching, Aufstellung, Führung

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Creative development, New perspectives, Out of the box thinking

Bank Company

Großes BGM Portfolio steuern, pflegen, updaten
Co-BGM Projektmanagement, Konstanter Service, Agenturteam Support bei bedarf, Vernetung BGM-OE-PE-Führung-Soziales-Arbeitssicherheit-BR-Marketing

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Creative development, New perspectives, Out of the box thinking

Conference on Diversity at Augsburg University

Fachtagung, innovativ für Region, zu Diversity Management, Vernetzung mit Firmen
Ideen, Konzeption, Orga, Moderation der Veranstaltung bis zum Einbau von musik und Film

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Creative development, New perspectives, Out of the box thinking

Psychological risk assessment – GDA meets change communication

Suche Outsourcing der GDP Arbeiten, effiziente Umsetzung, Full-Service, Vernetzung mit anderen laufenden Themen
Externes Team aufgestellt, one-hand, Konzeption bis Umsetzung von allem was beno2tigt war, von Fragebogen bis Moderation

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Advancing projects and processes

Automotive supplier, European locations

Fehlende feedbacks, Fehlende Standards
Co-Konzeption, Pilotierung Leadership Programme, 360° Feedback, DIE Awareness

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Advancing projects and processes

IT Company

Extra tiefe Auswertung von Fehlzeiten-Daten
Spezifische Sonderauswertung, Infoveranstaltungen, Krankenkassendaten

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Advancing projects and processes

Health Insurance

Innovative extension of your portfolio for companies
Co-conception of diversity management services

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Caring, Coaching, Initiative, Overcoming crises

Associations in organized sports

Fehlende Motivation Out of the Box
Service Projektmanagement, Fachmoderation, Event/innovative tagesveranstaltung

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Caring, Coaching, Initiative, Overcoming crises

Nursing facilities in Stuttgart

Raus aus Opferkultur, Vorbild Führung, Krankenstand senken
Kulturprägende Ereignisse, Coaching Führung, Teambetreuung, Langer Atem

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